Family Constellation


When traumatic emotional patterns are passed down it can cause people to feel overwhelming emotions. 


The latest epigenetic research shows how traumatic memories and subsequent behaviors  are transmitted through chemical changes in DNA. Ancestral Family Constellations can heal what scientists are calling “secondary PTSD.”

We illuminate the unconscious destructive loyalties within the family system by examining the tragedies in one’s lineage. History has brought us from a world rich in cultural customs promoting a healthy lifestyle into an unsustainable pace of life fragmenting our relationships and connection to the earth. Epigenetic trauma is now part of our inheritance.

Compounded intergenerational wounds are expressed as illness, psychological disorders, addiction, and recurring trauma. Repeating cycles of dis-ease  is an unconscious way of “belonging” to the family system. Bonded by love, we often sacrifice our own best interests in a vain attempt to ease the suffering of family members.  If the pain of the family system is not released, states of physical and emotional overwhelm become pervasive in everyday life.

"It is not uncommon for people to say that the ancestral family constellation stood out as equally if not more impactful than the entheo journeys."


The answers to some of these questions will help shine light on the shadows of your lineage. We can then begin to liberate ourselves from being either inundated, merged, or identified with other family members. Early breaks in the bond with mother as well as the rejecting of a parent are relational templates to be dissolved.  We aim at restoring balance in all our relationships. Forgiveness is often a secondary gain from restoring balance.

The following questions can help you diagnose your inherited trauma and expose the roots of unconscious contracts, limiting beliefs, and self defeating behaviors.

  • Who died early?

  • Who left? 

  • Who was abandoned, isolated or excluded from the family? 

  • Who was adopted or who gave a child up for adoption? 

  • Who died in childbirth? 

  • Who had a stillborn, miscarriage or abortion? 

  • Who committed suicide? 

  • Who committed a crime or experienced a significant trauma? 

  • Who suffered in war? 

  • Who died in or participated in genocide or the Holocaust? 

  • Who was murdered?

  • Who murdered someone or felt responsible for someone’s death or misfortune? 

  • Who profited from another’s loss? 

  • Who was wrongly accused?

  • Who was jailed or institutionalized? 

  • Who had a physical, emotional or mental disability? 

  • Which parent or grandparent had a significant relationship prior to getting married, and what happened? 

  • Was someone deeply hurt by another? 

  • Did anyone, including you, experience a week or more away from mother at an early age? 

  • Did your parents go on a vacation when you were young? 

  • Were you sent away to visit relatives or grandparents? 

  • Were you or your mother ever hospitalized and forced to be apart from one another? 

  • Did something traumatic happen while your mother was pregnant with you? 

  • Did you experience a difficult birth? 

  • Were you born premature? 

  • Were you adopted or separated from the mother shortly after birth? 

  • Did you experience a trauma or a separation from your mother during the first three years of life? 

  • Did your mother experience a trauma or emotional turmoil during your first three years of life?

This is an opportunity for your personal healing to be a healing for your nuclear family extended to your lineage. Make a family tree and talk to older family members asking about family history. 








If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all the generations of your ancestors.

All of them are alive in this moment. Each is present in your body.

You are the continuation of each of these people.
— Thich Nhat Hanh